Are you fucking kidding me?😠
This article really pressed my buttons today. 😡 The heading is pretty self explanatory. The conclusion is: “In the end, we believe there is a serious case for considering taxes…
Be curious and question everything! Fear will shackle you. Conquer it and you will not only free yourself. You will become inviolate.
This article really pressed my buttons today. 😡 The heading is pretty self explanatory. The conclusion is: “In the end, we believe there is a serious case for considering taxes…
Remember everyone! These politicians.. THEY are so WISE. It’s good that we listen to them! Here is the link to the article in Reuters I’m not going to forget this…
… using Corel Painter 2022. It was a bit of a quiet day today. I sat on the top of Beinn-y-Phott with my paraglider for a while around lunchtime, but…
When the government forces us to all have regular injections for the rest of our lives, don’t worry as they say it will be for ”our own good” and fortunately…
More evidence continues to emerge indicating that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered by humans and did not evolve naturally. From an article in the Telegraph on 5th October 2021 entitled Revealed: Wuhan…
This is an internal debate that I have quite frequently with myself, which can be summarised as “really, why do you not just keep your mouth shut?”. 1) These are…
A very short post that connects and corrects posts I’ve made in the past. I hope I’m just a crackpot! And NOT right! 1) SARS-CoV-2 vaccine passports are NOT going…
Do you want to be required to have a government (lower case G because they are spanners) mandated vaccine regularly injected in to you FOR LIFE just to get on…
From the The Magnificent Seven …… If God did not want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep.
Today’s post relates to the origins of SARS-Cov-2 which has been in the news recently as the USA points the finger at China. Just leaving this here. This article purported…
OK. Here we go. I had a bit of a Facebook (“FB”) “moment” recently where I made some offensive posts that I subsequently deleted and apologised for. Now I’m going…
Apologies if I have offended you on FB recently. I have deleted the offensive posts. I blame: (i) a post covid energy surge; (ii) overexcitement/nervousness regarding a 4 day staycation…
From Bloomberg today in respect of the ransomware attacks on US institiutions recently. How can Biden be so naive? He’s assuming Putin has state control over these bad actors. What…
This is also post that was deleted from Obviously I’m just too risque for them! (Or they are not entirely independent) ….. Furthermore, I’d be happy to pay a…
Below is a post I made that was deleted from an audiophile website called for breaching the website terms and conditions. I PROBABLY GOT ANNOYED BY A GERMAN. The…
These are my contemparaneous thoughts … I was one of the lucky people that was able to watch Dominic Cummings (“DC”) bare his soul to the Parliamentary Committee yesterday live…
I wrote a tongue in cheek, obviously fictional, blog post called The Domestication of Humans earlier this month setting out how an authoritarian global order is going to control meople…
I am of the opinion that anyone who has not taken, at least, a passing concern to the health of their body is part of this covid-19 problem. Your body…
OK .. I did a post not so long ago about why (imo) it’s not good to start your sentence with the word “so” – tldr – it’s because I…
not about your creed, class, background, ethnicity or the colour of your skin. It’s about you, and more specifically your mind. You are or you aren’t; NASTY (as in vicious…