Meditation is not masturbation … 🤭
This post is just regurgitated from my twitter feed today – a bookmark maybe for something more substantial if it manages to coalesce in my mind. I’m an #atheist and…
Be curious and question everything! Fear will shackle you. Conquer it and you will not only free yourself. You will become inviolate.
This post is just regurgitated from my twitter feed today – a bookmark maybe for something more substantial if it manages to coalesce in my mind. I’m an #atheist and…
Just some general placeholder “wibble” before today’s bike ride. The wedge of failure describes how fear causes poor decision making, putting you into a harmful positive feedback loop of further…
Manx MTB Enduro hosted round 2, 2022 in Colden Plantation at the weekend. It is only the second year that these trails have been used by Manx MTB Enduro and,…
… using Corel Painter 2022. It was a bit of a quiet day today. I sat on the top of Beinn-y-Phott with my paraglider for a while around lunchtime, but…
A very short post. The discussion on page 9 of the referred paper starts with: “Our findings provide evidence of the spike protein hijacking the DNA damage repair machinery and…
Hi. 😁 This is today’s thought… I only recently learnt what the abbreviation “MSM” (main stream media) meant … doh! This, of course (clue is in the name), is where…
Informed choice my @r$e…. I’m not anti-vaccination. In my life I’ve had the following vaccinations: yellow fever, cholera, smallpox, typhoid, hepatitus A, polio, tuberculosis, measles mumps and rubella, tetanus, diptheria…
This is more of an informative post (hopefully) rather than a rant or my trying to make a point! If you have read this blog you may have picked up…
I thought I’d update my blog with where I’m at regarding my machine learning and neural networks project. A close academic friend of mine, “CAF”, has got me excited about…
I’ve wanted to run a full node on the iota tangle for about 20 months now but have been put off by the hurdles (I completely failed the KYC of…
I have been attempting to learn more about Qubic and (on the basis that only I read this blog) what follows is really just an aide-memoire pour moi. So ……
Hi I’m pretty sure that no one reads this blog so, although I try to keep it professional and to the point, it’s tempting to use it more as a…