Making sense of yesterday …..
These are my contemparaneous thoughts … I was one of the lucky people that was able to watch Dominic Cummings (“DC”) bare his soul to the Parliamentary Committee yesterday live…
Be curious and question everything! Fear will shackle you. Conquer it and you will not only free yourself. You will become inviolate.
These are my contemparaneous thoughts … I was one of the lucky people that was able to watch Dominic Cummings (“DC”) bare his soul to the Parliamentary Committee yesterday live…
This morning I was reading about the demise of bitcoin and blockchain in general in an opinion piece in the Telegraph written by some bloke in "tHE cITY".
All of these subjects – green energy, crypto$ and inflation – are in the news at the moment. What has triggered this post was a recent BBC article about a…
Ok. I’m sensitive to the criticism levied on lay-people (like me) who become “google experts” usually by professionals who’ve spent a long time (l)earning their trade. I understand that, having…