The meaning of some acronyms that I may use in my blog from time to time.
Please try not to be offended ….
a cardboard = functional but everyday boring (used as an adjective to describe someone’s personality)
permapowers = very rich and powerful people such as Putin, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk etc.,
tempopowers = usually democratically elected politicians (and aspiring permapowers) such as Boris J, Ursula VDL, Joe B, Justin T, etc.,
BAAHHH = If God did not want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep.
ligaf = like I give a fuck (actually I do, generally π)
SAGE = stupid arses gouge economy
ser = him/her
se/sie = she/he/it (interchangeable – a person not defined by gender)
ogdt = old gimmer death trap
QE = quantitative easing or in a layman’s term – creating money out of thin air
ctlfb = cheating, thieving, lying, fat bastard
snoscunts = dozy fuckers
tldr = too long, didn’t read
tldw = too long, didn’t watch
grankers = greedy bankers
snoutlets = sensational news outlets.
shacks = shameless hacks
ffs = for fuck’s sake – just like wtf or what the fuck
scats = scaredy cats
bones = brave ones
wippies = weird hippies
meople = monkey people (same as sheeple) ie., us humans. We are nothing more than dangerous (not cheeky) monkeys after all.
faxxers = fat anti-vaccers