Yesterday I received confirmation that I have covid, so that’s 10 days of isolation for me.. (updated confirmations below). I’ll be released on my wedding anniversary which is nice.

This is my third day of feeling unwell but I think I’m on the mend now.

I’ve had no trouble breathing, loss of smell nor any of the other weird symptoms reported for covid.

I do have a raised temperature, a moderate headache from time to time and general fatigue.

To me it’s like a moderate flu.

One of my friends asks how it compares to a bad hangover.

It’s not as bad as a bad hangover, but then a bad hangover doesn’t last for 3 days or more.

On a related note it made me chuckle today that the Isle of Man has now reached Plague Island status.

How does this square with 1590 confirmed cases (as at May 2021?) I wonder.

Overall I’m very pleased to finally have it and be recovering from it.

By giles