Scooby deep in thought.

Do you want to be required to have a government (lower case G because they are spanners) mandated vaccine regularly injected in to you FOR LIFE just to get on with your life?

This ….

was supposed to be a joke .. 

but Israel is nailing their colours to the mast …

Don’t be bored….

Fortuitously, I live in the Isle of Man where these things aren’t picked up fast.. πŸ˜ƒ

NB. My vaccinations to date:

yellow fever, cholera (multiple), smallpox, typhoid, hepatitus A, polio, tuberculosis, measles mumps and rubella, tetanus, diptheria and flu (multiple variants)

Oh…. and (despite being labelled an anti-vaxxer) I donate this …

because I still believe that there are good scientists in this world, for example Professor Martin Kulldorff ….

This post took passion; not easy.

But it’s easy to post that you’re “bored” when you’re a little tubby well liked parochial mountain biker that I used to respect…. my nerve was struck because I’m disappointed. And changing your name on FB … wtf was that all about?

Derry, you little fat sniper, what are you doing to save the world?

By giles