New World Economics
I haven’t had a rant for a while about the parlous state of the world economy or central banking monetary policy and quantitative easing (“QE”) etc., etc., This is because…
Grasping linux by the horns.
I’ve wanted to run a full node on the iota tangle for about 20 months now but have been put off by the hurdles (I completely failed the KYC of…
A funeral today.
A good friend died recently. I’m going to send him off shortly. He lived knowing that tomorrow is full of possibilities and yesterday is spent. Still, as pointed out to…
So I missed my 2018 Indian paragliding adventure …..
Catch up …. I missed my planned October 2018 vol-biv trip in India due to breaking my collar bone the weekend before I was due to travel by falling off…
Where I have got to with Qubic
I have been attempting to learn more about Qubic and (on the basis that only I read this blog) what follows is really just an aide-memoire pour moi. So ……
Always the harbinger of doom!
Hi I’ve been away for a while. In the interim, I’ve NOT become a paragliding instructor. But, I did get close to investing in a chalet in St Andre Les…
My Paragliding Epiphany
OK. Here’s the rub. On the basis that only humans and ants (for all the wrong reasons) are capable of altruism, for the last 2 years or so, I have…
I went for a job interview recently.
I went for a job interview recently. Not, at first blush an unusual event. But unusual for me as I haven’t had a “proper job” for the last 18 years.…
This year I’m excited about “iota”!
Hi I’m pretty sure that no one reads this blog so, although I try to keep it professional and to the point, it’s tempting to use it more as a…
Hi. It’s been a little while since I posted here and a lot has gone on in the world of crypto$. Also, there have been a lot of things going…
Bitcoin has been “Wall Streeted”…
It’s been a crazy week for bitcoin and personally I’m waiting for a significant price correction as I believe it’s hugely overvalued. It’s also not serving the purposes it was…
Bitcoin transaction costs…
My twin brother is a banking analyst in the City working for a well known US asset management company. As you can imagine from the nature of this blog… we…
A third way?
Straight from we have the following two excellent definitions of money: <quote>A fiat system is based on a government’s mandate that the paper currency it prints is legal tender…
Cryptocurrencies Don’t Belong in Central Banks
Cryptocurrencies Don’t Belong in Central Banks A great article from Bloomberg.
Skin in the game…..
How to get some …? I’ve been asked this question a few times by various people and as it’s becoming a more frequent occurrence I thought I’d just post the…
Google to Enforce HSTS on TLDs it Operates
Google to Enforce HSTS on TLDs it Operates OK. So what does that mean exactly? In a nutshell, Google is going to get stricter with websites that don’t secure themselves…
Hello again
I’m still on my crypto$ soapbox I’m afraid! In my opinion, one of the hurdles to general acceptance of crypto$ by the public at large is their seeming inability to…
Bitcoin Crashes After Chinese Exchange Says It Will Halt Trading
Bitcoin Crashes After Chinese Exchange Says It Will Halt Trading OK. So I have egg on my face if you read my previous post….! But as my eldest son likes…
Crypto: Just a Speculative Mania?
Crypto: Just a Speculative Mania? You don’t have to read the whole article. Just take three things away from this…. 1) The mainstream also misses the core driver of bitcoin…