The footage below is from a crash course (literally SIV is french for simulating incidents whilst flying) in 2019 on my racy Delta 3 paraglider.
This deserves some narrative as the 2 minutes or so shown in this clip – to me – felt as if I was wrestling a bear (full disclosure – I have never wrestled a bear but the feeling of wrestling something that is trying to kill me and is far more powerful than me is the feeling that I am trying to convey here).
“Get refreshed” at the end of the clip is understatedly apt from Jocky Sanderson (and anyone else at my level of paragliding who has experienced this!). I had to check my pants afterwards.
And still .. I am signed up to a third SIV course on my (even racier) Mantra 7 in May 2021 …..
Why do I do this? Because, as my lovely Karen says, “I have (am) special needs”
So, in the words of the Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen – Song. Please GO out and do something that scares you…
It’s “refreshing”. And most of all in these times …
DO NOT live in FEAR.