Let’s just say that I’d be a disaster as a politician.
I had some points to make that will get me into much less trouble if I write them down.
They relate to my last post that shows a high correlation by country between SARS-CoV-2 deaths per million and levels of obesity.
I may have come across as a bit frivolous.
Conspiracy context
I have friends who believe that Bill Gates is orchestrating a vaccine induced mass die off of humans as part of a conspiracy to depopulate the earth; apparently he is doing this to save the Earth from Humanity.
I don’t yet subscribe to this for reasons I have posted here.
However, if I did, I would go the whole hog and say that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered as a bio-weapon to achieve the same result.
And the indication is that it is targeting healthy young people (< 40 years of age) with elevated BMI’s and the elderly and frail.
Battery farming
I made a post here that states simply:
battery chickens = bird flu;
battery pigs = swine flu;
battery humans = covid 19
The point I was making here was that it seems that we have turned some countries in the world into battery farms for humans.
… and battery farms consume a lot of resources, which appears to be the problem as:
Humans are literally eating the earth; whether it be consuming fossil fuels for energy and warmth; rare earths for iPhones; rainforests for palm oil and beef; etc.; etc.;
Joining the dots
This was what I was trying to do badly with my vlog!
The phrase/words I used:
in this context it means consumption as defined above (but obviously in my mind because I am an apologetic fattist I conflate obesity with humans consuming the world *);
“be fattened“;
in this context it refers to battery farming, and
“get slaughtered“;
again battery farming but in the context of conspiracy theory global depopulation and selective control (it doesn’t mean “very drunk π₯΄”).
And finally…
I made the point that regardless of the outcome of this pandemic I will be on the winning side as posted here:
But I want to be on the right side and ironically that is on the side of the people that I seem to most offend.
I love (most of) you really. π
* here I am revealing my innate fascist tendencies – but the best game keepers used to be poachers … if I stop posting you will know that I have gone over to the dark side.