I’m sorry but modesty about our collective achievements has to take a back seat in this war as sheople only want to listen to the “experts” with the loudest voice and largest platforms.

If you are a clever cookie with things to say get it off your chest and back it up with who you are and what you have achieved in life. Don’t be shy. People with better jobs and qualifications are “weighed” by society.

It’s why the first question at a dinner party is (most annoyingly) “what do you do for a living”?

Journalism has failed us and its thin veneer of “professionalism” is starting to wear completely. As I have found out recently journalists aren’t “professionals”.

If they have to take professional exams I haven’t found them – please correct me if I’m wrong here.

I have 10 O’levels, 3 A’levels, a science degree from THE Liverpool University (not some 2nd rate knock off) but my professional exams were the hardest (despite only being ACCA and not ACA as some like to point out).

And I know qualifications are not the be all and end all but it’s what sheople understand.

Actually my best achievement by far is being a successful father of four adult kids who have turned out very well.

But anyone can have kids heh!

So, if you can (and I understand why many cannot) don’t be anonymous, get yourself out there and start complaining because “our” journalists are selling us down the #wef river at a very rapid pace.

By giles

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