OK. Here’s the rub.

On the basis that only humans and ants (for all the wrong reasons) are capable of altruism, for the last 2 years or so, I have been endeavouring to bootstrap start-up businesses, mainly on the Isle of Man.

I have invested 100k in cash and circa £150k in sweat equity and now find myself being ground down by GDPR and on the Isle of Man by “Designated Businesses” legislation.

Furthermore, I am bound by my own professional body, ACCA, not only to complete relevant CPD but to pay circa £1,000 for membership of said organisation and because I possess two practising certificates.

Furthermore, I also pay circa £500 p.a. in PI insurance.


This is because all of the above is “dressing” to move in the circles that I do.

I have NO CLIENTS. I don’t need them because I have done OK and I find accounting pretty mundane as a profession.

I am just maintaining (don’t get me wrong there was a time when I needed this) my profession (literally) and my professionalism.

I wanted to put something BACK for the Island.

I am looking for something fun to do!

I don’t need to be paid!

BUT I have had my epiphany!

I am getting quite good at paragliding.

SO! Time to do something I like. I am seriously considering training to become a paragliding instructor!

By giles